Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Choosing A Digital Camera – Overview Of The 3 Main Types Of Digital Cameras

Choosing a digital camera will be a lot easier when you look at each of the three types of digital cameras: the digital SLR, compact (automatic) cameras and Bridge cameras.

This article introduces you to the advantages and disadvantages of each, so that you can narrow your choices down to the type of camera you want.

Digital Single Lens Reflexes (DSLRs)

Digital SLRs, also called “DSLRs”  are expensive, and until recently were used almost only by professional photographers. Prices have come down for entry level DSLRs like the Canon Rebel. However, just remember that when you get a DSLR you also have to buy lenses to use. Some DSLRs do come with a basic starter lens so you’ll be able to start taking pictures right away. If you want to take some pictures of something far away, you can’t just push a button to zoom but will need to get a telephoto lens. These come in all kinds of sizes to fit the many different needs of photographers. Many photographers also buy quality used equipment to keep costs down.

One of the great benefits of DSLRs is that you can get telephoto lenses that will let you take a close up of a bird on the top of a tree and you’ll never be able to tell from the picture that the bird was so far away. And they are lightning fast! That means you won’t miss actions shots because the camera took too long to record the picture after you pressed the shutter release button.

DSLRs also work with advanced accessories such as an external flash. DSLRs are great for taking action pictures in low light situations where a flash isn’t allowed or won’t reach.

And due to their larger sensors, you can increase ISO to get shots in places without adequate lighting but where you need high shutter speed to capture action. With other types of cameras you can’t do this because they have smaller sensors and end up producing pictures with unsightly graininess called digital noise. Digital noise can often be removed with software but with the DSLR you never have this problem.

These days, the main disadvantage of a DSLR is the higher price tag when you compare it to other types of cameras.

If you are serious about photography and want to advance your skills, then a DSLR is the camera for you. Many get started with a camera body and kit lens, and then add bigger lenses over time.

Point & Shoot Digital Cameras (also called compact or automatic cameras)

Digital compacts or points and shoots are the most popular cameras in the Western world and for good reason. A compact is so easy to pack around and can take such good quality shots that many a pro with an expensive DSLR and a bag of big lenses has a small compact tucked in a pocket. (Pocket size compact digital cameras are often called subcompacts).

As mentioned above, compacts biggest benefits is their small and compact size. Unlike DSLRs which usually require a small bag of camera gear (if you have a couple of lenses) these cameras can go virtually anywhere.

And while you can just point and shoot with these cameras, many have all sorts of modes from which to choose, and plus some also give you some manual controls, such as Aperture Priority and Shutter Speed Priority. If it has optical zoom, you can also get some great telephoto shots too!

Bridge Cameras

These digital cameras bridge a gap between compact cameras and DSLRs. They are also called prosumer cameras (a blend of professional and consumer).

Almost all of the bridge cameras have higher price tags than most compacts but lower than most DSLRs, much lower when you consider you don’t need to add on the price tags of lenses.

Bridge cameras usually have larger sensors and more megapixels than most compact digital cameras. With bridge cameras you can increase ISO more than on a compact but not nearly as high as with a DSLR. If you don’t need to take action pictures in low lighting conditions, then this will likely not be a problem for you.

Many bridge cameras have hot shoes to work with external flash, meaning you can get better indoors pictures. Bridge cameras also have movie mode and allow you to compose shots on the LCD. Many are super zooms. Super zooms are cameras with optical zoom ranges of 10x to 20x. Plus bridge cameras have almost or as many manual controls as DSLRs.

Once you decide what type of camera you want (DSLR, bridge or compact), selecting a camera will be a lot less confusing. So no matter what type of digital camera you get, take time to learn how to use your camera and you’ll be sure to start taking some great pictures.

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